Technical information

Ship Design Calculation Tool

With support from the Danish Maritime Fund, DTU and the University of Southern Denmark have developed a tool that can calculate ships' emissions and energy efficiency.

With support from the Danish Maritime Fund, DTU and the University of Southern Denmark have developed a tool that can calculate ships' exhaust gas emissions and energy efficiency using three Excel worksheets.

The tool, which can be used for both existing and newly built ships, is available in three versions: for container ships, bulk carriers, and tankers.

The tool is intended for use by shipping companies, naval architects, and others in the field. It can be used to analyze CO2 emissions and other types of emissions from ships, including compliance with the International Maritime Organization's (IMO) Energy Efficiency Design Index (EEDI), which came into force on January 1, 2013. However, the tool is also intended for individuals and companies working with energy consumption and emissions for different modes of transport, as it allows for comparing energy and emission data for maritime transport with other modes of transport.

By simply entering a ship's cargo capacity, utilization rate, and speed, the calculation model can provide an approximate estimate of CO2 emissions, energy consumption, and other emission factors. The calculation can be further customized by specifying parameters such as engine type, fuel type, and the use of various technical measures to reduce exhaust gas emissions, primarily NOx (nitrogen oxides) and SOx (sulfur oxides).

The tool is freely available and has previously been downloadable from DTU's website. Going forward, the latest version of the program can be downloaded from the website mentioned.

Below, you can find the download links for the three worksheets for "Tankers," "Bulk carriers," and "Container ships," as well as the theoretical and statistical documentation behind the models.