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International shipping policy

Maritime vision of the Re-elected Commission President

Ursula von der Leyen has been re-elected as President of the European Commission. Her political manifesto, presented shortly before the election, matches all the priorities of Danish Shipping for 2024-2029. Therefore, her re-election is warmly welcomed by Danish Shipping.

Danish Shipping nominates Amalie Grevsen, Maersk, for IMO Gender Equality Award 2024

Amalie Grevsen, Lead of Cultural Transformation at Maersk, has played a key role in driving gender diversity, inclusion, and change across the Maersk fleet. Therefore, she is nominated for the IMO Gender Equality Award.

Latest news
International shipping policy

Denmark Maintains Its Position Among the World's 10 Largest Maritime Nations

A new report shows that Denmark remains in the top 10 of the world's largest maritime nations. The competition is fierce, but the launch of a growth team for Blue Denmark raises further expectations that Denmark will continue to be among the largest maritime nations in the long term.

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The Arctic

Ban on Heavy Fuel Oil in the Arctic Comes into Effect

On July 1, 2024, an international ban on the use of Heavy Fuel Oil (HFO) in the Arctic will come into effect. Danish Shipping supports the ban, which includes a transitional arrangement that gives shipping companies time to adapt while simultaneously protecting the Arctic from oil spills.

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International shipping policy
Technical information

Danish Shipping in First Place for the Fourth Year in a Row

For the fourth consecutive year, Danish shipping has reached the top of the international safety list. Danish-flagged ships are at the forefront in complying with international regulations on safety, environment, and working conditions on board.
Danish Shipping’s Annual Report 2024
Annual Report 2024

Latest news
International shipping policy

Recommendations on Global Risks Call for Action

The Corporate Forum for Global Risks has delivered good and concrete recommendations, which the Danish government and Parliament should act on as soon as possible. Shipping is once again highlighted as a well-established Danish strength, and there are a number of recommendations directly relevant to the industry. Danish Shipping fully supports implementing these initiatives as quickly as possible.

The Diversity Award 2024
The Diversity Award 2024

Latest news
International shipping policy

Strong Support for Maritime Dialogue Meeting in Washington

Danish Shipping is currently represented in Washington as part of an International Chamber of Shipping delegation. The program includes a dialogue meeting with authorities from a group of major shipping nations, who share common values and the desire for open and unrestricted access to international maritime markets.

Latest news
International shipping policy

The EU should prioritize global regulation for the maritime transport of plastic pellets over regional regulation

The European Parliament has adopted the position that it wants stricter European regulations for the loss of plastic pellets. Danish Shipping recommends that efforts should focus on securing tighter global rules regarding the maritime transport of plastic pellets, instead of introducing regional regulations within the EU.
The Situation in the Red Sea
The Situation in the Red Sea

Latest news

Scandinavian CO2 Cooperation Crucial in Establishing European CO2 Infrastructure

New agreements with Norway and Sweden now enable the transport of CO2 across Scandinavia for underground storage. CO2 capture, utilization, and storage are essential climate tools to reduce European CO2 emissions and have the potential to become a new Danish industrial adventure.

Latest news

Navigating Europe’s Future: Danish Shipping’s Top Priorities for the New European Parliament

From June 6th to 9th, Europeans will head to the polls to elect the parliamentarians who will sit in the European Parliament for the next five years. Danish Shipping urge candidates and members of the Parliament to focus on the green transition of shipping, active trade and industrial policy, and maritime security.
The FuelEU maritime legislation was adopted earlier this year. As a member, you can find an overview of relevant news and information here.

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Danish Shipping recognizes ban on discharge of scrubber water

A broad political majority has reached an agreement to ban the discharge of scrubber water in Danish waters. Danish Shipping recognizes the ban and calls for rigorous enforcement.

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Employment conditions

The Diversity Award 2024 is now open for nominations.

This year, Danish Shipping’s Diversity Award is being given out for the third time, and nominations for this year's award are now open. Both individuals within shipping companies and the companies themselves can be nominated for having done something special to focus on DEI - diversity, equality, and inclusion.



Danish Shipping has a clear goal of achieving climate neutrality by 2050 without relying on carbon offsetting.


The shipping industry supports stringent legislation and applauds Danish companies for adopting new technologies that align with environmental and climate considerations.

Taxation and regulatory framework

Denmark must maintain and strengthen its position in global shipping through internationally competitive taxation and remuneration.

Latest news

Small steps in the right direction at IMO meeting

Progress is being made in negotiations about regulating the global shipping industry's climate impact. But the process is complex and takes time. That's the status after the first meeting of the IMO's Marine Environment Protection Committee since the adoption of the new strategy for climate-neutral shipping around 2050.

Latest news
International shipping policy

Danish Shipping adopts policy on underwater radiated noise

Commercial shipping is one of the main contributors to underwater radiated noise, which has adverse effects on a wide range of marine life, including whales and fish. Therefore, Danish Shipping recommends its members to follow a new set of IMO guidelines aiming to reduce underwater radiated noise and preserve marine biodiversity.
Starting January 1, shipping will be included in the EU's Emissions Trading System (ETS). Members can access additional information on EU ETS here.

Latest news

Ships and ports will be crucial in achieving EU climate goal

The Commission estimates that 280 million tons of CO2 will need to be captured to meet the ambitious 90 % greenhouse gas emission reduction target in 2040. The ports, and the maritime sector will be an integral part of transporting CO2 in CCS processes. These and other key topics were discussed in important round table debate.

Latest news
Legal and regulatory framework

New EU agreement on measures to prevent pollution from ships is good news

The EU's Directive on pollution from ships and the introduction of sanctions for illegal pollution are to be revised. It is part of the Commission's overall plan for sustainable shipping. The overarching goal is zero emissions, zero pollution, and zero accidents.

Latest news
Legal and regulatory framework

Danish Shipping launches ESG Shipping Network

Danish Shipping’s new ESG-network addresses the pressing need for collaboration and knowledge sharing within the shipping industry regarding sustainability reporting. At the inaugural meeting of the network, Danish Shipping members Maersk and Clipper shared insights into their work in the ESG-field.
Latest news

New CCS-Strategy: Denmark can become European CO2-hub

With its new CCS-strategy, the European Commission has outlined a common direction for the capture, utilization, and storage of CO2 in the EU. The strategy highlights Denmark as a pioneer in the field, and Danish Shipping predicts that Denmark could play a central role.
Latest news

90 percent in 2040: Danish Shipping welcomes ambitious EU climate target

Today, the EU has presented the Union's climate target for 2040: Greenhouse gas emissions must be reduced by 90 percent by 2040 at the latest. The ambitious target is welcomed by Danish Shipping.

Latest news
International shipping policy

Denmark among the World’s Best Performing Flag States

The International Chamber of Shipping (ICS) has published their annual Flag State Performance Table. Once again, Denmark has a positive score across all the criteria evaluated in the Table.

Latest news
International shipping policy

Denmark Remains among the World's Top Ten Maritime Nations

Denmark maintains its impressive position among the world's top ten maritime nations. However, the competition from other countries is fierce, and overall, Denmark is experiencing a slight decline.

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Employment conditions

New measures to prevent bullying and harassment on Danish-flagged ships

Morten Bødskov, Minister of Industry, Business and Financial Affairs, has announced a series of measures to prevent bullying and harassment on Danish-flagged ships. The Danish Maritime Authority, Danish Shipping Metal Maritime and Danish Engineer's Association have taken part in drafting the measures.
Latest news

Danish Shipping welcomes new EU Port Strategy

The European Parliament has adopted a so-called own-initiative report where they call on the Commission for an EU Port Strategy that acknowledges the crucial role of ports in the green transition of the maritime industry and eliminates the harsh protectionist measures included in the first draft.
Latest news
International shipping policy

Danish shipping in focus at COP28

HRH The Crown Prince Frederik brought royal radiance to the event, when State of Green presented their white paper on “Denmark’s push to decarbonise global shipping” at COP28.

Upcoming events


Danish Maritime Legislation for Foreign Senior Officers / Danish Maritime Legislation for Foreign Masters / Occupational Health & Safety (§16), 7/8/24


Danish Maritime Legislation for Foreign Senior Officers / Danish Maritime Legislation for Foreign Masters / Occupational Health & Safety (§16), 13/8/24


Blå Pride bar og DEI Award

On the occasion of Copenhagen Pride Week 2024, we at Danish Shipping once again open our courtyard in Amaliegade for a festive evening filled with good atmosphere and good company. On the same occasion, we will also host the DEI Award, where we will reveal who will be this year's winner of the Danish Shipping Diversity Award. The concept is an informal Thursday Rainbow Bar in the grand lounge style, with good music, food, and drinks.

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