Taxation and regulatory framework
Denmark must maintain and strengthen its position in global shipping. Therefore, it is crucial that the business policy framework in Denmark, including taxation and remuneration, remains internationally competitive.
Taxation and regulatory frameworkClimate
Danish Shipping has a clear goal of achieving climate neutrality by 2050 without relying on carbon offsetting.
ClimateEducation and training
Danish shipping companies and the Blue Denmark as a whole require well-educated employees with the right skills and competencies. You can read more about educational opportunities and courses offered by Danish Shipping below.
Education and trainingEnvironment
Danish Shipping has long recognized the need for showing consideration for the environment, supporting stringent legislation and endorsing new technologies which factor in the environmental and climate impact.
There are still problems with piracy in several parts of the world. Especially the Gulf of Guinea off the coast of West Africa is prone to pirate attacks, and in recent years, there have been attacks on Danish-operated and Danish-owned ships.
Danish Shipping has many members who are active within the offshore sector. This includes activities in offshore wind, underground CO2 storage, and oil and gas.
OffshoreMigrants at Sea
Migrants at sea have been a challenge for shipping companies since the refugee and migrant influx across the Mediterranean began in 2014.
Boat RefugeesThe Situation in the Red Sea
The Situation in the Red SeaContraband Trafficking
Merchant ships may unknowingly be used for contraband trafficking of different types of illegal goods, such as endangered species, wildlife products and illegal drugs.
Contraband TraffickingBiodiversity
The biodiversity issue has long been recognized by Danish Shipping as important. The Shipping Industry is taking active steps towards safeguarding biodiversity in our oceans.