
Many people have a lot of thoughts about their work life when it comes to going on maternity leave, which is why we at Danish Shipping and WIS have chosen to open a maternity leave café.

The maternity leave café Parent'SHIP is for all fathers and mothers who work within the shipping industry, including both onshore positions and jobs at sea.

The café aims to keep parents updated about the industry and also provides them with the opportunity to have a smoother transition between maternity leave and returning to work.

Where and When:
Parent'SHIP is held every other month at Danish Shipping, located at Amaliegade 33 in Copenhagen.

The café starts at 10:30 AM, with a presentation at 11 AM. Each café has a specific theme, and the presentations typically last for one hour, followed by lunch and networking opportunities. Since the presentations are theme-based, attendees can stay updated on the shipping industry while also gaining insights into how family life and career can be balanced.

We look forward to seeing you with both waves and babies.
We hope this initiative will be of interest to many parents, and we are excited to welcome new parents along with your adorable babies.

If you have any further questions about the café, please feel free to contact Angelika Rasmussen at phone number 81888304 or