Danish Shipping
International shipping policy

EU Representation

Danish Shipping has been represented in Brussels with its own office since 1989. The EU Representation handles tasks that require an ongoing dialogue with the EU institutions and key stakeholders, in order to ensure a better understanding of Denmark's shipping industry.

The work is carried out both at the political level through direct contact with various commissioners and the European Parliament, and at the administrative level with the Directorates-General of the European Commission and the permanent re­p­re­sen­ta­tions of member states in Brussels.

The safeguarding of members' interests is ensured through:

  • Careful monitoring of upcoming EU initiatives to provide timely input.

  • Effective and targeted communication to the right stakeholders at the right time.

  • Early definition of strategy, stakeholders, and key messages.

Danish Shipping's EU Representation also oversees tasks related to

  • Business economic framework
  • Climate and Environment
  • Offshore activities
  • Social Affairs
  • Pirac
  • The internal market and the customs union
  • International trade and sanctions policy
  • Passenger safety
  • Port policy 
  • CSR 
  • Transport of live animals
  • Arctic conditions

During its years of work in Brussels, Danish Shipping has managed to establish itself as an adviser to the EU institutions. A constructive way of thinking also ensures that the EU often supports international legislation in the shipping area and the work of the IMO. Active participation in the European shipping association ECSA is also ensured with representation in all committees.

Ad-hoc support to members is provided on specific issues covering everything from taxation to international sanctions policy.

Are you a member and in need of help?

The EU Representation works closely with colleagues from the political departments in Amaliegade 33 in Copenhagen to support Danish shipping companies' interests, including legislation, meetings, events, etc.

Contact us for further information.

EU Representation


Avenue des Gaulois 34
1040 Brussels

+32 (0)2 230 81 41 
