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Danish Shipping's Annual Conference 2025
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Recommendations to Accelerate the Production of Green Fuels

Danish Shipping has launched its recom­men­da­tions following a summit in Copenhagen attended by re­p­re­sen­ta­ti­ves from shipping companies, fuel producers, authorities, the Minister for Industry, Business and Financial Affairs, and others. A joint effort and political focus are essential to ensure that the industry’s ambitious climate goals are met. A significant part of the solution must be found at the European level.

Danish Shipping’s Annual Report 2024
Annual Report 2024

Danish Shipping Marks International Women's Day with Workshop on Concrete Measures to Promote Diversity and Inclusion

Danish Shipping’s DEI-network hosted a workshop focusing on companies' and organizations' concrete initiatives and results in the field. Participants left with a wealth of valuable and actionable ideas

New report: Shipping is a key strategic industry in a more competitive world. New risks and opportunities abound for Danish shipowners

Shipping is an important strategic industry. New report identifies macro trends that will impact shipping in the coming years. Structural changes provide opportunities as well as risks for Danish shipping companies and policy makers. 



Danish Shipping has a clear goal of achieving climate neutrality by 2050 without relying on carbon offsetting.


The shipping industry supports stringent legislation and applauds Danish companies for adopting new technologies that align with environmental and climate considerations.

Taxation and regulatory framework

Denmark must maintain and strengthen its position in global shipping through in­ter­na­tio­nal­ly competitive taxation and remuneration.

EU’s Clean Industrial Deal Must Ensure Green Fuels for the Green Transition of the Shipping Sector

The European Commission has launched a plan aimed at strengthening Europe’s com­pe­ti­ti­ve­ness and green transition. Danish Shipping welcomes the focus on increasing and lowering the cost of renewable energy but also highlights the need for a much stronger effort from the EU to scale up the production of green fuels, particularly for shipping.

Danish Shipping: Full Support for Strong Measures Against Russia and Shadow Fleet in the EU’s 16th Sanctions Package

The EU has just adopted its 16th sanctions package against Russia. Danish Shipping fully supports the strongest possible sanctions and is particularly pleased that the list of sanctioned vessels has almost doubled with the latest measures.

The FuelEU maritime legislation was adopted earlier this year. As a member, you can find an overview of relevant news here.

Upcoming events


Danish Maritime Legislation for Foreign Senior Officers / Danish Maritime Legislation for Foreign Masters / Occupational Health & Safety (§16), 25/3/25


Danish Maritime Legislation for Foreign Senior Officers / Danish Maritime Legislation for Foreign Masters / Occupational Health & Safety (§16), 2/4/25


Danish Maritime Legislation for Foreign Senior Officers / Danish Maritime Legislation for Foreign Masters / Occupational Health & Safety (§16), 8/4/25


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