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Hafnia Wins Danish Shipping's DEI-award 2024

The tanker company Hafnia once again demonstrates that it is one of the leading Danish shipping companies when it comes to diversity, equality, and inclusion. Hafnia won this year's DEI-award because the company has a broad and well-thought-out approach in this area and has implemented a series of initiatives that cover the conditions for both seafarers and land-based employees.

On Thursday afternoon, the winner of Danish Shipping's DEI-award 2024 was announced at a very festive Blue Pride Bar event in Danish Shipping’s courtyard. The award, which was presented by former Minister of Equality Mogens Jensen, went to Hafnia. This is the second time Hafnia has won the DEI-award.

Danish Shipping's DEI-award is given to a shipping company or individual in the shipping industry who has made a special effort to promote diversity, equality, and inclusion. This year's award winner certainly meets that criterion.

"First and foremost, a huge con­gra­tu­la­tions to Hafnia on the award. The competition was really tough this year with two other very strong nominees, DFDS and Uni-Tankers. But it is incredibly well-deserved that Hafnia ends up winning the award, as the company has a very well-thought-out and broad approach to promoting equality, diversity, and inclusion, which is continuously developed and expanded. An approach that is supported by clear and ambitious goals and followed up by data," said Anne Windfeldt Trolle, Director of Labor Market, Recruitment, and Education at Danish Shipping.

Hafnia is a really good example of how making the effort to promote equality, diversity, and inclusion a central part of the company's strategy pays off.
Anne Windfeldt Trolle, Director of Labor Market, Recruitment, and Education at Danish Shipping

Furthermore, the jury highlighted that Hafnia has implemented a wide range of initiatives addressing the conditions for both seafarers and land-based employees. This includes improved parental leave policies, inclusive and gender-neutral language across the company, safety equipment and workwear tailored for both men and women, and zero tolerance for bullying and harassment.

"Hafnia is a really good example of how making the effort to promote equality, diversity, and inclusion a central part of the company's strategy pays off. 8% of the seafarers in the company are women, which is significantly higher than the industry average. It is truly impressive and a great example for others to follow," said Anne Windfeldt Trolle.

This year's jury consisted of the following members:

Torsten Mathias Augustsen, Professional Leader at SEA HEALTH AND WELFARE

Anja Rose, Head of Organisational Performance and Development, Welltec

Dr. Poornima Luthra, Associate Professor at Copenhagen Business School

Heidi Heseltine, CEO, Halcyon Recruitment and Founder, Diversity Study Group

Neele Pawlowski, Chartering Manager, Clipper Group, and Co-Founder of Women in Shipping Denmark

Anne Windfeldt Trolle, Director of Labor Market, Recruitment, and Education, Danish Shipping

Previous winners:

Last year, the DEI-award went to Trine Hoffmann from A.P. Møller – Mærsk. The jury particularly emphasized Trine Hoffmann's extraordinary drive, her high ambitions, and her role in elevating diversity to a new level in her organization.

The year before, the award went to Hafnia for their "Maritime Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DEI) Lab." This was created together with RightShip, Wilhelmsen, Thome Group, Rio Tinto, and Anglo American, and can best be described as a diversity think tank with concrete and measurable results.