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International shipping policy

Draghi Report: European Shipping is a Strategic Asset

Danish Shipping welcomes the Draghi Report’s focus on com­pe­ti­ti­ve­ness and green transition, calling for increased investment in innovation and support for global climate regulation. At the same time, they are pleased that the report emphasises the strategic importance of shipping for Europe.

The Draghi Report on the EU’s com­pe­ti­ti­ve­ness is an important reminder of the challenges Europe faces in global competition, including within the shipping sector.

In recent decades, although European shipping has grown, Europe has been gradually squeezed by both the US and China: Europe’s share of the global merchant fleet has declined, while China has gained significant market share.

Nevertheless, European shipping is highlighted as a considerable strength, with over 35% of the world’s fleet under European flag.

"European shipping continues to grow, but others are growing faster. Therefore, we must constantly optimise our com­pe­ti­ti­ve­ness and focus on innovation," said Jacob K. Clasen, Deputy CEO of Danish Shipping.

"The Draghi Report points to the right areas, and we wholeheartedly support strengthening the framework for European shipping companies, with green transition being part of our com­pe­ti­ti­ve­ness," said Jacob K. Clasen.

European shipping continues to grow, but others are growing faster. Therefore, we must constantly optimise our competitiveness and focus on innovation
Jacob K. Clasen, Deputy CEO of Danish Shipping

Need for Large Investments in Green Transition

The report emphasises the need for significant investments in green transition, including the expansion of green energy and the production of green fuels for the shipping sector. Danish Shipping therefore urges the EU to earmark funds for this transition and to simplify bureaucracy.

"A strong European com­pe­ti­ti­ve­ness also requires shorter decision-making processes and a proactive approach to global climate agreements, particularly through the International Maritime Organisation (IMO)," said Jacob K. Clasen.

In addition to the green transition, there is also a focus on the future of the workforce, as new skills and education are needed in the shipping sector to meet the digital and green transformation.

"We must strengthen the talent pipeline and ensure that the necessary skills are in place for the future of the shipping sector," concludes Jacob K. Clasen.