Procedure for handling of complaint cases

The shipping company should have procedures for handling complaints from employees. Complaints of harassment and bullying can usually be addressed through clear complaint and disciplinary procedures.

Such procedures should:

• Ensure con­fi­den­ti­a­lity.

• Provide protection against retaliation for the person reporting the complaint.

• Guarantee that both the complainant and the alleged offender are accompanied by a colleague or other support of their choice.

• Ensure that all parties involved in the complaint are treated with dignity and fairness.

It is essential that employees know that complaints of harassment or bullying or information provided by staff in connection with such complaints are handled in a fair, confidential, and understanding manner. Employees may hesitate to come forward if they feel they are being treated without understanding or confronted aggressively by the person the complaint concerns.

You can learn more about developing and implementing a complaint procedure on the Seahealth & Welfare website: Be a Buddy not a Bully