Leave in connection to child birth
Enrollment in the Maternity Compensation Scheme for the shipping industry can be done for shipping companies, companies with mobile or offshore installations or companies that are otherwise connected to the maritime industry.
The scheme, which is industry-specific, follows common equalization in the DA area. Through this, registered shipping companies' expenses for employees' wages are compensated during paternal leave. Reimbursement is based on the salary paid to employees on paternal leave.
Companies can request to join the scheme by contacting barsel@danishshipping.dk
All correspondence is now done electronically, including reporting to the scheme and collection of contributions for the shipping company's employees. Applications for reimbursement from the scheme when paying wages to employees on parental leave are also made directly in the parental system.
Further information about the scheme can be found in the pamphlet 'Paternal compensation scheme for the shipping industry', which can be found at the bottom of the page.
Questions about the scheme can be directed to e-mail barsel@danishshipping.dk. or by phone 33 48 92 20 (Monday to Friday between 10.00 and 12.00)