Danish Shipping Education
Danish Shipping Academy (DSA) offers Danish Shipping Education as a two-year private education for shipping trainees employed by a shipping company, a bunker company or other sorts of shipping companies. As part of the education, you have great chances to build strong network relations with other international trainees during two modules a year with a duration of one week. In total you will attend four modules with other trainees during your two years at DSE. You and your fellow trainees will also be invited to attend webinars in between modules throughout the two years. Modules will be held either at DSA in Amaliegade 33, Copenhagen (Denmark) or occasionally at other Danish locations such as shipping companies or other companies mainly located near Copenhagen.
About Danish Shipping Education (DSE)
Danish Shipping Education is geared towards trainees from shipping companies, bunker companies or other sorts of shipping companies and combines theoretical and practical learning. Trainees enrolled with Danish Shipping Education are employed in trainee positions in their individual companies both before and during DSE. This ensures a strong practical complement to the education’s theoretical aspects and leads to holistic learning and solid understanding of the field.
Danish Shipping Education has been assessed by The Danish Accreditation Institution as corresponding to level 5 in the Danish Qualifications Framework for Lifelong Learning. Graduates from Danish Shipping Education receive an official diploma with recognized qualifications that enables them to continue their studies at institutions throughout Europe. We also experience graduates using their diploma for work positions in countries far away.
As a trainee you attend courses and webinars at DSE, and you provide on-the-job training at your company at the same time. On-the-job training equips you as a trainee with practical hands-on competencies, and your time at DSE educates you with theoretical shipping knowledge and perspectives. Together this will provide you with professional competencies for the shipping industry.
Danish Shipping Education combines theory and practice and consists of four in-person modules on a Danish conference location besides webinars in between:
Current dates for batch DSE 2024-2026
Module 1: September 15th – 20th 2024
Module 2: March 03rd – 08th 2025
Module 3: November 03rd – 08th 2025
Module 4: June 14th – 19th 2026
DSE covers six thematical courses. The courses are conducted during the four in-person modules and throughout webinars:
Maritime Law: Legal Aspects of Shipping
The course focuses on International Maritime Law and its relationship with international trade and shipping, as well as the areas of law relevant to modern shipping companies.
Throughout the course, trainees are given the opportunity to develop their legal mindsets and expand their legal knowledge, while gaining insights into the fundamental principles of shipping and trade law.
Maritime Economics: The Global Impact on Maritime and Business Economics
The course introduces trainees to the relationship between shipping, the world economy and seaborne trade, facilitating an understanding of the relevance of trade in the global shipping market. As such, trainees will familiarize themselves with drivers of supply and demand in shipping commodity markets, economic models and their application, and differing revenue sources.
Energy & Fuel: Adapting for a Sustainable Future
The course gives trainees an insight into the operational, commercial, financial, and legal aspects of the supplying of fuel for use by ships, known as bunkering. In this way, the course covers core knowledge about the bunker industry and its key players, the logistics and procedures behind it, as well as different qualities and requirements of fuel, all framed by contexts of related challenges and opportunities.
Ship Design: Construction, Operations and Future Vessels
The course covers a range of areas, from shipping as a business entity, to ship operations and management, to the technology of different types of ships. This provides trainees with an essential knowledge of ship technology, technology and policy developments, and maritime regulation, enabling them to interact effectively with the ships and environments they operate in.
Logistics and Supply Chain Management
The course introduces trainees to an understanding of the complexity of international transportation logistics and supply chains, with an emphasis on multi-modal (or combined) transportation. The course gives an insight into planning and control of the flow of goods and services throughout the supply chain, as well as the different types of service infrastructure. Moreover, as 90% of all international cargo transportation is, at least partly, conducted at sea, the course especially highlights the logistics involving maritime transport.
Connecting Shipping Relations
Connecting Shipping Relations operates with tools for effective and constructive collaboration across borders and fields, in order to avoid misunderstanding and promote the exchange of skills and knowledge.
As part of DSE, trainees are presented with a unique opportunity to build a strong network in a worldwide industry, when they have the in-person-modules in Denmark. In this way, trainees undertaking and completing DSE will have built not only their own skillset and competences but connected with key people from all over the worldwide shipping industry, thereby laying a solid foundation for their futures.
Practical information
Trainees are enrolled in DSE by the shipping company, bunker company, or other sorts of shipping company, with which they already have a contract. Trainees are therefore required to be employed in trainee positions before they enroll DSE.
DSE is a private two-year programme, with participant payment.
The following guiding prices will be regulated as of primo February 2024. These prices cover enrollment into DSE excluding the four module payments and books. Books will be purchased only once in the beginning of DSE. Module payments will continuously be invoiced.
DKK 79,000 for members of Danish Shipping or the Danish Ferry Association
DKK 99,000 for non-members
Registration for DSE 2024-2026 opens February 26th 2024 via this link.
The registration deadline for DSE 2024-2026 is June 17th 2024.
For HR representatives in shipping companies, bunker companies or other sorts of shipping companies
Once or twice a year DSA opens its doors, and you can visit an actual module happening. It is a good opportunity, if you are considering or already offering DSE for your trainee(s) and want to learn more about the education.
Visits in 2024 are scheduled to take place in early March and November. For more information, please reach out to DSE point of contact and Educational Advisor Pi-Danielle Risum Brøgger at pdb@danishshipping.dk
For more information
If you want to explore more of what the shipping industry can offer you, our campaign department, World Careers (WOCA) hosts an annual Trade Event. This is your opportunity to meet and interact with shipping companies, bunker companies and other sorts of shipping companies. The programme for this day offers potential trainees Trade Game, where potential trainees can try to negotiate contracts, and there will be food and opportunities to meet trainees from DSE. Registration is mandatory and you can read more about Trade Event here.
You can read more about Danish Shipping Education in our folder below: