Danish Shipping's Vacation Card Scheme

Danish Shipping handles holiday pay on behalf of its member shipping companies. Once registered, members deposit holiday pay with Danish Shipping, which then guarantees payout to seafarers during holiday.

This industry-specific scheme is one of several private schemes in Denmark. The scheme is administered in accordance with the provisions of the Holiday Act, with modifications specified in the Maritime Authority's announcements and guidelines, as well as collective agreements entered with the seafarers' trade unions.

Seafarers receive their holiday pay by requesting it through the Vacation Card Portal. They can access the website using their MitID, where, in addition to requesting the disbursement of holiday pay during their vacation, they can also view their accrued holiday pay balance.

Members of Danish Shipping and employers provide information for the issuance of the vacation card on the Vacation Card Portal. This is done by directly uploading data from their payroll systems to the Danish Shipping's Vacation Card System. Members of Danish Shipping and the employer deposit the seafarers' holiday pay with Danish Shipping, which then guarantees the disbursement to the seafarer when they take their vacation.

Membership in the Vacation Card Scheme is governed by agreements between Danish Shipping Employer (Danske Rederier Arbejdsgiver) and the seafarers' trade unions.

If there are any questions about the scheme, disbursements, enrollment, etc., Danish Shipping Vacation Card Department can always be reached at feriekort@danishshipping.dk or by calling 33 48 92 17 (Monday to Friday from 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM and from 1:00 PM to 2:00 PM), where personal assistance is available.

For inquiries about the scheme, all correspondence should be directed to feriekort@danishshipping.dk

FAQ about Vacation Card Scheme