Measure and Report Regularly

It is important that everyone onboard feels safe and respected, so they dare to speak up about any incidents they experience or witness. Only by bringing problems to light can we address them. We therefore encourage all maritime companies to promote a "speak-up" culture. Create a culture where everyone, regardless of background and position, dares to speak openly – without fearing consequences.

Action Proposals

  • Create platforms for open dialogue and feedback where crew members can share concerns and suggestions regarding their health, safety, and psychological security.
  • Ensure clear reporting lines, including a whistleblower system where anonymous reporting is possible. This will help build trust and promote a "speak-up" culture.
  • Implement methods to monitor efforts against bullying and harassment.
  • Regularly assess reported incidents, trends, and feedback for continuous improvements (e.g., trust in the reporting system and the number of unreported cases).
  • Define a clear and systematic process for investigating reported incidents and ensure prompt, professional, and impartial handling.
  • Conduct recurring welfare surveys with a particular focus on crew members' health, well-being, and safety, including the extent of bullying and harassment.

Download the Best Practice Guidelines here:

Best Practice Guidelines

Read more here and get inspired to further your work with DEI.

Getting Started: 

If you are about to embark on DEI efforts, here you can find the recom­men­da­tions from Danish Shipping on how to begin this work. Click here. 

Progressing Well: 

For those who have already initiated DEI efforts and have the formal framworks in place, this section offers inspiration for the next step in your journey. Click here

Almost there: 

For those who have long been engaged with the DEI agenda and wish to either be inspired or inspire others. Click here