Lead from the Top

The CEO and the rest of the management play a crucial role in making the onboard work environment a top priority. Therefore, the effort should be anchored in top management. Management must clearly communicate goals and priorities and explain how these goals are integrated into daily operations and embedded in the company culture.

Action Proposals

  • Establish and clarify goals and visions for the crew’s health, safety, and psychological security. Articulate the desired culture.
  • Formulate and publish a policy that clearly commits the management and describes a clear procedure for reporting bullying and harassment.
  • Define desired behaviors and norms that promote health, safety, and psychological security onboard, including respectful communication. Also, provide examples of unacceptable behavior
  • Involve employees in the development of the company’s policies, programs, and implementation plans.
  • Allocate responsibility for the implementation of the crew’s health, safety, and psychological security so that no one is in doubt.
  • If the company uses ship managers, clarify your expectations for the onboard work environment and integrate goals and reporting into the contracts.

Download the best Practice Guidelines here:

Best Practice Guidelines

Read more here and get inspired to further your work with DEI.

Getting Started: 

If you are about to embark on DEI efforts, here you can find the recom­men­da­tions from Danish Shipping on how to begin this work. Click here.

Progressing Well: 

For those who have already initiated DEI efforts and have the formal frameworks in place, this section offers inspiration for the next steps in your journey. Click here

Almost there: 

For those who have long been engaged with the DEI agenda and wish to either be inspired or inspire others. Click here