Begin implementing the DEI agenda within your company

To ensure the health and safety of the crew, clear objectives and a policy that commits leadership must be established. The desired culture and behavior should be communicated clearly through multiple channels, and a transparent reporting procedure with the option for anonymous reporting should be implemented. This strengthens trust and promotes a 'speak-up' culture, which captains and senior officers must actively support.

You can begin by implementing these points in your company

  • Establish and clarify goals and visions for the crew’s health, safety, and psychological security. Articulate the desired culture.
  • Formulate and publish a policy that clearly commits the management and describes a clear procedure for reporting bullying and harassment.
  • Define desired behaviors and norms that promote health, safety, and psychological security onboard, including respectful communication. Also, provide examples of unacceptable behavior.
  • Use multiple communication channels (posters, brochures, onboard announcements, meetings, training videos) to highlight your efforts. Use simple language for maximum effect.
  • Make it clear where the crew can report incidents of bullying and harassment. Ensure a transparent process thatclearly shows how reports are handled and how the crew is protected.
  • Ensure that captains and senior officers understand their role and responsibility in creating a healthy and safe work environment.
  • Create platforms for open dialogue and feedback where crew members can share concerns and suggestions regarding their health, safety, and psychological security.
  • Ensure clear reporting lines, including a whistleblower system where anonymous reporting is possible. This will help build trust and promote a "speak-up" culture.