Privacy Policy

General information about the processing of your personal data

When you sign up for the mentoring scheme for young seafarers, you pass on personal data and information to Danish Shipping, who are data controllers for the processing of your personal data.

Your data will be collected, stored, and processed by Danish Shipping.

The processing of personal data is carried out in accordance with the rules of Data Protection Regulation [1] and the Data Protection Act [2].

The purpose of the data processing is to help mentees be matched with a mentor based on the data entered.

For mentors, the following applies: Your personal information is treated confidentially and only the necessary employees of Danske Shipping have access to your personal data.

For mentees, the following applies: Your personal information is kept confidential and only the necessary employees of Danish Shipping have access to your personal data. During the period when we made matches between mentee and mentors, your data is used in anonymized form to create a match. The anonymization is done by providing your information with a serial number, which is known only by the Danish Shipping’s Internship Office.

You can ask for your information to be deleted at any time.

When registering, you also consent to Danish Shipping’s internship office contacting you by email or telephone about the mentoring scheme.

Danish Shipping are data controllers. You can contact the Danish Shipping Company's internship office if you want to know more about the personal data the organization processes about you.

Danish Shipping’s Internship Office
Amaliegade 33
1256 Copenhagen K

The purpose of the processing of your personal data

Your personal data is processed for the purpose of creating a match between mentee and mentor based on either professional or personal interest fields.

If a mentee needs a new mentor or a mentor needs a new mentee, a new match is based on previously submitted data, which is why personal data is also stored and used for this purpose.

It is also the purpose of being able to evaluate on the mentoring scheme for young seafarers. The evaluation is based on a questionnaire sent to both mentee and mentor. For this purpose, personal data is used such as name, maritime education, email address.

Categories of personal data

We treat the following categories of personal data about you as mentee:

  • Master data; name, phone number, e-mail, address.
  • Information on the title of the maritime education.
  • Academic and personal interests.
  • First sailing period.

We process the following categories of personal data about you as a mentor:

  • Master data; name, phone number, email address, address,
  • Information about the title of maritime educational background.
  • Academic and personal interests
  • Current or former workplace as a reference.

Recipients or categories of recipients

Your personal data is disclosed or left to the following recipients:

Danish Shipping’s internship office, which is responsible for coordinating and administering the mentoring scheme for young seafarers.

Mentors who have access to information about personal and professional interests will only be presented in anonymized form.

Where your personal data comes from

Your master data comes exclusively from the information that you enter yourself when registering  for the mentoring scheme.

Storing your personal data for mentors

We will keep your personal data until the mentoring process ends. Then, as a mentor, you are asked if you want to enter a new mentoring programme. If that is what you want, your personal information will be stored. If not, your information will be deleted after an evaluation of the course has been made.

Storage of your personal data for mentees

We will keep your personal data until the mentoring process is completed and evaluated. If the mentoring programme is interrupted prematurely and if you wish to continue in a new mentoring course, your personal data will be stored and stored until this is completed. Your personal data will subsequently be deleted.

Your rights

Under the Data Protection Regulation, you have a number of rights in relation to our processing of information about you.

If you wish to exercise your rights, please contact Danish Shipping’s Internship Office.

Right to view information (right of access): You have the right to access the information we process about you, which corresponds to the information contained on your registration form.
Right of correction: You have the right to have incorrect information about yourself corrected.
Right to delete: You have the right to have information about you deleted when we no longer need the information to carry out our task.
Right of objection: In certain cases, you have the right to object to our otherwise lawful processing of your personal data. However, you cannot object to the part of the processing that results from the legislation.

When you are enrolled in the mentoring scheme for young seafarers, you have the right to receive information about both as a mentor and as a mentee if we at Danish Shipping collect and process data on the basis of personal data. You also have the right to access how we process this information to the extent required by the General Data Protection Regulation or other legislation.

If we process incorrect information, you have the right to have it corrected if the correction is factual and correct.

For clarification, please refer to the Danish Data Protection Agency's guidance on data subjects' rights at:

Disclosure of personal data

In the Mentor scheme for young seafarers, your information is not shared with anyone other than Danish Shipping.

Information we disclose

We do not disclose personal information to companies, organizations, and individuals outside the Mentoring scheme for young seafarers.

We disclose personal information to companies, organizations, or individuals outside the Mentor scheme if we believe that access, use, preservation or disclosure of the information is necessary for:

  • To comply with applicable laws, regulations, legal proceedings, or valid requests from public authorities.
  • To enforce applicable terms of service, including investigating potential violations.
    Detect, prevent, or otherwise protect against fraud, security, or technical issues.
  • To keep us free from harm, our employees or the rights, property, or safety of the public, as required or permitted by law.

Complaint to the Data Protection Authority

You have the right to lodge a complaint with the Danish Data Protection Agency if you are dissatisfied with the way we process your personal data. You can find the Danish Data Protection Agency's contact information on

Information requirements

You must make sure that the personal data you provide is correct and complete. Please do not provide sensitive information about e.g., race, religion, sexual orientation or health. You should be aware that when you sign up for the mentoring scheme for young seafarers, your email address will serve as contact information. This applies to both mentors and mentees. Therefore, we recommend that you provide a personal email address and not an email at your workplace or an email address you share with other people.

Should any of your data/information change, we encourage you to update it. This can be done by sending an email with corrections to

Danish Shipping Companies reserves the right to delete data at any time if the above is not observed.


All data is stored on secure servers at Danish Shipping. The connection between your computer and Danish Shipping’s servers is made according to the most common security regulations regarding encryption and other security.

Use of data for statistical purposes

Your entered data may be used for statistical processing to improve the mentoring scheme. In these cases, your data will be anonymized.


Our privacy policy may change from time to time. We do not restrict your rights under this privacy policy without your express consent. Any changes to this privacy policy are listed on this page, and if there are significant changes, we will draw attention to them in a more conspicuous way.


[1] Regulation (EU) No 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of individuals regarding the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, etc.


[2] Law on supplementary provisions for the protection of individuals regarding the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data